Hinckley Pilot 35

Sailing Yachts

Any advice or experience with replacing an original fuel tank. Mine is under the engine compartment.

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Thomas, We replaced our fuel tank last winter. When the decision was made we didn't have much time to research who might be able to make a new tank of the same monel material. In the end we commissioned Lyman Morse in Maine who produced a new tank of stainless steel. We just completed our first season with the new slightly smaller tank. We add ports for cleaning and maintenence and we also added a bumper for the new tank to rest on. No longer does our fuel tank sit on the bottom of the bilge in the any water at all.

When the tank was out we decided to paint the bilge and change over all the hoses too.

Quite a sight. 

Hope some of this will prove to be helpful. Let me know if you have any additional questions

Thanks for the reply.BTW how hard was it to remove the tank?
Our tank is under the main cabin sole . We have our boat maintained by a local yard in Round Pond , Maine. As you can imagine plenty of prep time just to access the tank but once the cabin sole was up they were good to go . I'm convinced the new tank and installation will outlast me providing I stay clear of local ledges which actually started the investigation . Don't think I know any other Pilot who has replaced a tank but suspect you have issues that go beyond repairing your tank?
Thanks for the information. I believe my tank has a small leak somewhere and I find small amounts of fuel in the bilge. The tank is 47 yrs old and deserves a rest. Ill let you know how things progess after haul out. I don't see any option but to replace it,perhaps with a smaller tank since I never seem to use an entire tank of fuel each season.
Thanks again for your input
Shogun 93278

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