Hinckley Pilot 35

Sailing Yachts

Hull# Year Name(s); Home Port; Owner

Click on an underlined name for more information on that specific Hinckley Pilot

3501 1956 HUNTRESS (Sequence, Damn Yankee); Rockland, ME; Kevin Harris
3502 1956 MOONLIGHT LADY (Wings of the Morning)
3503 1957 MY FAIR LADY; Hartsville, SC; Corey Luther
3504 1957 YANKEE (Allegro; Wild Goose, Checkmate, Wawa V); Vancouver, BC; Phillip Cook
3505 1957 HOPESTILLE (Pavanne); West Bath, ME; Nat Bryant
3506 1957 CRACKER JACK (Swizzle); Kittery Pt., ME; Josh Stevens
3507 1957 MY GIRL (Sugaree, Joie de la Mer; Jackpot, Ponytail); New Castle, NH; Groves Dinning
3508 1957 QUANDARY; Cambridge, MD; Bill Dunn
3509 1964 BABE (Dolfino, Rascal II, Pauline); Castine, ME; McCarthy
3510 1963 KATSURA
3511 1964 SKY PILOT (Wandering Star, Kitty Hawk, Northern Light); S. San Francisco, CA; Ted Ostroff
3512 1964 LIONS PAW (Eclipse); Greenwich, CT; Louise Tincher
3513 1964 LIBERTY (Kether; Cythera); Harborside, ME; Larry Morgan
3514 1964 OUTLIER (Natoma, Mandragora); Bellingham, WA; Anne Slater/Stu Stebbings
3515 1964 HABIBTI (Kitty Hawk, Amaranth, White Hope; Fleetwing); Brooklin, ME;

                 Ellen Foote/Steve Hindy
3516 1964 KANGA (Prime Evil); Annisquam, MA; Dave/Deborah Pearce
3517 1964 HALF MOON (Witchery, Diamant, Janmar); Westbrook, CT; Dan Melamed
3518 1964 DREAM (Sundanda, Carom, Firebird); Baltimore, MD; John/Nancy Wehrle
3519 1964 HEJAC
3520 1964 SIALIA (Dramamine II)
3521 1964 PORTOFINO (Octet, Windbourne III); Bristol, RI; Dean Robinson
3522 1964 LORELEI;  Gibson Island, MD

3523 1964 SMALL ISLAND; Marion, MA; Ellen Watts/Daniel Bernstein
3524 1964 EDNA; Westbrook, CT; David Wyllie
3525 1964 TARA; New York City, NYC
3526 1964 OUTER LIMITS (Inspiration, Cloudy Weather)
3527 1964 SCHEHERAZADE (Ergo, Jada); Orrs Island, ME; John Collins.
3528 1964 ODYSSEY (Nebaras; Avatar, Jaan, Chimera); Arnold, MD; Jill Thompson
3529 1964 GLORY (Nepher); Round Pond, ME; Buzz/Beth Billik
3530 1965 SUNSHINE; South Bristol, ME; Bill Mook
3531 1965 ENCANTADA; Sorrento, ME; Doug/Jocelyn Childs
3532 1965 BEAM REACH (Lisa, Galadriel,Si Bon); Annapolis, MD;Mike/Susan Eckhart and Jeff Eckel
3533 1965 TIJUBA
3534 1965 REPARTEE (Windflower); Sawyer Cove, ME; Malcome Hayward
3535 1965 STARFIRE
3536 1965 OSPREY (Mambrino); Lawrence Rockefeller Jr.
3537 1965 BLACK WATCH (Black Marigold); Noank, CT; Steve Dluzyn
3538 1965 HARPOON (Joy) 
3539 1965 LOON; (Euphoria); Mattapoisett, MA; James Lee
3540 1965 LUZ MARINA (Osprey, Amber); Seabrook, TX; Christopher and Louella Bensabat
3541 1965 SARABANDE; Des Moines, WA; Chuck/Bonnie Beyer
3542 1965 SIXPENCE II (Meritorious)
3543 1965 IRIS (Marara, Decision); Sandwich, MA; Jim Coffey
3544 1965 ELMA (Pyxis, Madrical); Coconut Grove, FL; Svensonn 
3545 1965 ARIADNE (Due II); Southport, ME ; Andre Ruzyzky
3546 1965 ELAN Warwick, RI
3547 1965 DARKSTAR (Xaipe, Kiva, Mary Plain); Winter Harbor, ME; Robert Nichols
3548 1965 JAAN TOO (Edymion, Jaan Too, Sora); Coconut Grove, FL; Walter O'Leary
3549 1965 DAIQUIRIMattapoisett,MA; Bill and Bed Truesdale
3550 1966 SKYE (Linn of Dee, Chrisada); Port Madison, WA; William Walker

3551 1966 WILLOW; Baltimore, MD; Michael Brassert
3552 1966 BLAUER ENGEL (Columbine)
3553 1966 DAWN TREADER (Blue Swan, Njordr II); Guilford, CT; 
3554 1966 MADRIGAL; Brunswick, ME; James Harvie
3555 1966 ?
3556 1966 SAPPHIRE (Huntress, Minx II, Hubris, Adelante); Marion, MA; 
3557 1966 ?
3558 1966 CAPER (Tecumseh); Lake Texoma, TXDavid Smithson
3559 1966 ENDOPRISE II (Liberator)
3560 1966 HIGH TIDE (Edel); San Diego, CA; Charles Roberts
3561 1966 LYRIC (Julia, Scarab, North Light); Yarmouth, ME; Jeff McKinnon
3562 1966 TRILLIUM; SW Harbor, ME
3563 1966 SANDPIPER (Solitaire); Round Pond, ME; Turner Hansel
3564 1966 WINSLOW (Jubilee, Lady Jane, Dolphin, Oomiak); Belfast, ME; Kathryn Slocum

3565 1966 GUNGA DIN (Puck, Ninfea, Polynia, Pavane); Sausalito, CA; Michael Doane
3566 1966 ARGONAUT (Nibi II)
3567 1966 HOPE (Misty); Seal Harbor, ME; Roy Van Vleck
3568 1966 GREMLIN; Little Deer Island, ME; Elliot Lengel
3569 1966 CIRCE (Bauble, Shangri-La); Hanover, NH ; Jon Skinner
3570 1966 ISIS (Nesra, Jolly, Runaway, Serafix); Noank, CT
3571 1966 SOLSTAND (Samar, Celera)
3572 1966 FIRST LIGHT (Highflyer, Bolande);Bucks Harbor, Penobscot Bay, ME; John Murphy
3573 1966 BIJOU (Decision); River Dunes, NC; Carol Hipps
3574 1966 LINEAD (Reggae,Hallie); Georgetown, ME
3575 1966 BAGHEERA (Sally); Greenwich, CT; George Yankowich
3576 1967 PRANA (Auklet, Blackbird); Christmas Cove, ME; Beckerlegge
3577 1967 SEA FEVER; Harpswell, ME; Charles/Leslie Bernier
3578 1967 EGRET (Argo); Jacksonville, FL; Daniel Mattox
3579 1967 HERON (Constance); Oceanside, CA; Sean Brown
3580 1967 ALICE LOUISE (Memory); South Thomaston, ME; Eric McCartney/Rolf Winters
3581 1967 DISPUTE; Southport, CT; George Carter
3582 1967 PATRIOT (Concerto, Querida, Dream's End); Sacket's Harbor, NY; Maggie/Alex Mehran
3583 1967 SOGGIORNO (Bay Lady II)
3584 1967 PANACEA; West River, MD; Bill Trautmann
3585 1967 RAGAMUFFIN (Shebee Sue, Sabra); Larchmont, NY; Pete Saladino
3586 1967 PENDRAGON (Southerly II); Portland, ME; Sawyer Theriault
3587 1967 BELVEDERE (Landfall, Little Star, World Enough, Aphrodite, Svpanker); Camden, ME;                         Bob/Nancy Lawson
3588 1967 REPO QUEEN (Liberte, Conbec II); Newport, RI; Skip Elliott
3589 1967 MAGIC (Silver Cloud)
3590 1967 ELATO (Franziska, Passport, Windrose); Gloucester, MA; Geoffrey Gordon
3591 1967 NORTH STAR (Serena)
3592 1967 STRUMMER (Chardonnay, Arctic Tern, Tourtebelle); Stonington, CT; Louis Meyer
3593 1967 NIGHT OWL (Hilbillea); Boston, MA; Chris Bond/Deb Dawson
3594 1968 CRESSIDA
3595 1968 SARUCHA
3596 1968 SEA FINN (Air Ball; Greybeard, Rascal III, Feather); Oysterbay, NY; John Quirk
3597 1968 GUINNEVERE (Serenity, Tandra, Flying Fish)
3598 1968 AUDRA (Resolute); Baltimore, MA; Chris/Ilana Long
3599 1968 QUEEN MAB (Nighthawk, Poinciana) ; Booth Bay, ME; Neil/Maggie Newton
35100 1968 'ROUND MIDNIGHT (Chasse, Aura); Castine, ME; Clifton Crais
35101 1968 PRESENCE (Whimsey, Merrythought, Snow Drop, Alii); Will Addis
35102 1969 WHISPER; Charlevoix, MI; Woollam
35103 1969 GALATEA (Capper, Niam)
35104 1969 SEA ANGEL (Donna Mae, Oh Be Joyful, Moewe); Sausalito, CA; Tom/Bonni Funkhouser
35105 1969 DOROTHY ROSE (November, Merylee J); Bellevue, WA; John/Patty Rose
35106 1969 MORNING STAR (Black Magic, Merrilee); Biddeford Pool, ME; Jay/Bonnie Emmons
35107 1969 FIREFLY (Shogun, Syroco II); Rowayton,CT; James Achard
35108 1970 NIGHTINGALE (Nighthawk, Passing Fancy, Dante); Marion, MA; Amanda/Peter Stone
35109 1970 ARETE (Jada); Buck's Harbor, ME; Norman Alt
35110 1970 FORTUNA (Schuss)
35111 1971 ASPARA
35112 1971 A CAPELLA (Family Affair, Harmony, Meheet); SW Harbor, ME; John/Marcy Correa
35113 1971 JOY (Seaquester, Aqua Tyro II); St. Petersburg, FL; Annie Brett
35114 1971 OOTHOON (North Wind, Lazy Bones, Ojala); Blue Hill, ME; Charlotte Taylor
35115 1971 SUSIE (Halcyon) Annapolis, MD; Robert Shapiro
35116 1972 GRACE (Trinity, Ne Plus Ultra, Intuition, Heather); Rockhill, ME; Cheryl LiechtyMark Eggena
35117 1972 BLUE MOON (Lone Star;Day Star); Cutts Island, ME; David Batchelder/Melissa Paly
35118 1973 WINDFLOWER (Option)
35119 1973 MAD WIT (Liberty, Fantasy, Jill, Mai Tai); Annapolis, MD; Lyle Reeb
35120 1973 FAIR WIND (Embrace, Procyon); Marion, MA; Mark Adams
35121 1973 AMICIZIA (Jazzy, SixPence, Pioneer Lady); Houston, TX; Michael Hassler
35122 1973 ZEPHRIE (Candela, Lapwing); Harpswell, ME; Robert Wexler
35123 1974 SIMPLICITY; Westport, MA;Terry MacFadyen
35124 1974 MOON DANCER; Bristol, RI; Rob Browne
35125 1974 TITANIKOS (Gygax;Distant Drummer); Belvedere, CA; Kirk Mitchell


EQUINOCCIO; Marina Nautico Reloncavi, Puerto Montt, Chile; Christian/Lali Yovane
YAGAN; Quintero, Chile; Tim Murray (formerly owned by Marcos Bartucevic)
MY WAY; Quintero, Chile; Marcos Bartucevic
CRUZ del SUR; Quintero, Chile; Eduardo Duran
CYGNUS; Yacht Club de Chile, Vina del Mar, Chile; Juan Enrique San Martin
KARMA (Tormenta, Anna Pink); Club de Yates, Quintero, Chile; Sergio Godoy/Christian Cook
ONA; Marina Nautico Reloncavi, Puerto Montt, Chile
ALVAR NUNEZ CABEZA DE VACA; Yacht Club de Chile; Francisco Hoffman and Nancy Yanez
CYRANO; Port of Cadera, Chile
BLUE MOON (Calypso), Port Angeles, WA; Helle Andersen and Frederich Johns
JUPITER; California (?)
CAMANCHACA; Talcahuano, Chile; Chilean Navy

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Comment by CYGNUS on March 11, 2013 at 10:26am

Today I had new information about Chilean Pilot35.

KARMA had as original name ANNA PINK, later called TORMENTA
Her actual owner is Miguel Jaramillo S. and he is in Club Nautico Reloncavi in Puerto Montt.

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