Hinckley Pilot 35

Sailing Yachts

Has anyone ever had luck getting lines drawings or hull plans of any kind?


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Comment by Pendragon on January 30, 2021 at 6:22am

Hi Carol,

I believe I actually have the same auto helm at the moment...I will check and confirm, but that is a very generous offer! Thanks for your well wishes. I'll be publishing much of the restoration process on my instagram, @sawyertheriault

Comment by Bijou on January 29, 2021 at 1:18pm
Hi It appears you are in the process of a major rebuild and I wish you good luck I do have a used auto helm 6000 below deck autopilot along with control mechanism. Fully would functional. You are welcome to it if it help with your up fit
Comment by Robert Shapiro on November 19, 2020 at 10:50am
Prior to the new owners of S&S 2 years ago, you could call Mystic Seaport and order various line drawings. I actually have the catalog (just a spreadsheet) of what they had. I even selected which ones i wanted and what quality/paper i wanted it on.....HOWEVER that was just when the new S&S was sold and was unable to actually place the order with Mystic. Donald Tofias, who is a good guy, is the new S&S owner and i met with him about a possible other project in June and I mentioned my issue. He said as soon as some of the IP ownwership is worked out, I would be able to get them and he was hoping it was sooner then later. If you want the catalog info i had i can email it to you.

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