Hinckley Pilot 35

Sailing Yachts

Pendragon's Comments

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At 4:16pm on November 21, 2020, Glory said…
Sawyer , sorry got the delay . Can you send your email address - I have a few photos of Formica in the galley to share
At 6:35pm on October 16, 2020, Glory said…
Will send counter photos over the weekend
At 9:58am on September 4, 2020, Glory said…
Sawyer - our Pilot is one of many who have received suggestions to replace our toe rails . That’s been going on for well over 20 years . Although the assignment appeals aesthetically I haven’t been able to justify the investment and therefore have had several different experts try to tackle what we have
We have found ways to address the integrity of the hull , and all major systems while continuing to nurse our rails through season after season . I’ve certainly seen others with toe rails that are almost perfect and I’ve seen boats with toe rails that aren’t worth spending (5) minutes or (5) cents on

Not sure what you are battling . Would it be worth trying to apply any varnish to what you have or are they really shot ?

I’m also thinking back to the late 80s when we were in deep bringing our boat back to life . At the time I had been striving for perfect toe rails . That was then
Today I’ve become satisfied with what we have and would just like to find ways to spent more time aboard during a limited Maine sailing season so our rails are fine .

Unfortunately it’s an assignment that is heavy on labor and attention to detail . Plenty of technicians who can address the work but it’s very expensive

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