Hinckley Pilot 35

Sailing Yachts

Don and Jane Danilek's Comments

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At 11:50am on September 4, 2009, Ragamuffin said…
Don & Jane, I'd also love a copy. I've been trying to track one down. I got close once at MBYC, but Hinckley SW Northern Light couldn't find it in his basement. Can you email me? Thanks.
At 7:34pm on August 30, 2009, Pyxis said…
I'll send you a check and then you can mail it
At 5:36pm on August 30, 2009, Pyxis said…
Please send me an address so we can mail you a check.

At 5:34pm on August 30, 2009, Pyxis said…
I don't know the orginal name. The name she was given by the 2nd owner was "Indu" - she apparently spend most of her life on the Great Lakes. Around Detroit I believe. I don't know the original owner's name, but according to owner #2, Charlie Eno, he lived in Illinois. The boat was originally a tiller boat (but was retro fitted with a wheel). It has a "custom" layout - with the Galley down the Starboard side, much of the riggin, e.g. the back stay and the furling boom are original issue Hinckley, but there are many variations. For instance there was originally very little detail down below. There are quarter berths and no cockpit seat lockers. There is a U shaped settee. Also the mast is keel stepped, but that makes sence with the wood coach house. WHen we first bought the boat I corresponded with the people at Hinckley in Me with some frequency trying to determine a hull number. Also one of the guys from the yard in Stuart FL has seen her. They confirmed that she is, in fact a Pilot - but they have no idea what the hull number would be.
At 4:45pm on August 30, 2009, Pyxis said…
Don Jane - love to get a copy of the book. Please email me the details. Thanks Paul
At 3:29pm on April 15, 2009, Sea Angel said…
Don & Jane,
Last November, while our daughter studied in Chile, we visited her. She lived overlooking the Marina that our sister-ships were built in Vina Del Mar. We took this opportunity to search out all the information as to the history and whereabouts of any Pilots. Boy did we have an adventure. The Chilean Navy gave us the royal treatment and Christian Yovane's family took us in as one of them. They actually own a lodge and charter Equonix in Patagonia. We have so much to share about this adventure,

Thanks for your inspiration.
Bonni & Tom F.

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